Welcome E Scow sailors to the 2023 National Championship.On behalf of the Mendota Yacht Club, we would like to thank all the participants attending.
Download this document and map in pdf.
Marshall Park will open to E Scow’s at 9 AM on Wednesday, September 6th.
Marshall Park’s address is 2101 Allen Blvd., Middleton, WI. 53562. We have closed the entire park and boat launch to the public. Launching fees have been paid for by Mendota Yacht Club and you will not need a launching sticker or permit. Upon arriving at Marshall Park you will be greeted by one of our volunteer staff and directed into a parking stall for your E Scow and towing vehicle. That will be your assigned spot for the entire regatta. Other vehicles traveling with you will be in a grassy area at Marshall Park. This area will also be used for E Scow trailers that are wet sailing, and motorboat trailers. Additional trailer parking will be roughly 10 minutes away if needed.
We will issue a parking pass for launching vehicles only. We do not have enough room for 2 cars per boat. There will also be street parking across from Marshall Park, north of Marshall Park, and Lakeview Park, 3 blocks away. Please park your second vehicle outside of the park. A volunteer greeter will be at the entrance of Marshall Park, directing vehicles without passes to park on the streets. We appreciate your consideration, cooperation, and patience with parking.
Volunteers will be present daily to assist you and direct you into the traffic pattern for launching. Once your boat is launched, you need to be ready to go sailing. There will be some areas where you can be docked for a very short period of time (green docks on the map). The north dock is intended for the main parking lot, while the south “T” dock is intended for the secondary parking lot. Plan on bringing a mooring buoy (or lunch buoy) to sail off of if you’re not going out right away. Shuttle boats will be available to assist you in shuttling or towing your boat out of the launching bay. We have 5 launch ramps, however, with 100+ boats it will still take 20 cycles. Please be patient with the process. There will be limited space inside the harbor. We ask that you take your sails down outside of the harbor to keep the harbor as safe as possible.
There will be no Alcohol near the boat launch. Please do not have open containers in the car while launching. The city has specifically requested this no-alcohol zone; please respect this rule.
Hours of operation of Marshall Park are 4 AM to 10 PM. We will have security present when the park closes.
Any additional questions can be answered by
Phil Zalog 414-719-7180 or Dale Gordon 917-912-0546